Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Oh, I love WFNX. Not only did they co-host the Best Music Poll concert with The Killers headlining, but they threw four FREE concerts this summer with Smirnoff known as "Off the Radar." These concerts are announced but with undisclosed locations. Well, when I first heard the final show of the series would be Stellastarr* a couple weeks ago, I tried my best calling in to get tickets, which was the only way you could get in...unless, you signed up on web for "Off the Radar" updates. Luckily, I did, for on Monday, they unexpectedly sent me an email on how to get on the guest list for the show as well as where it would be located, this time at the Middle East Downstairs from 9pm-1am. Because it was free, they would be letting people in on a first-come first-serve basis, up to 450 we found out later.
Needless to say, I was totally psyched to go, so I planned to get there early.
After picking up the Metro paper to do the crossword puzzle, I saw there was an article on the show, with a show time of 8pm. I thought, "Great. People will be getting there early." So luckily, a meeting I had downtown ended much sooner than I had expected. I was starving, and in my quest to be in the vicinity of the Middle East early, I succumbed to eating Wendy's (just down the street) which I hadn't done in a very long time, getting a chicken sandwich and nuggets. I felt pretty gross afterwards.
I got to the Middle East to scope out the scene and see if tickets would be distributed, which the bartender said they wouldn't be, just a guest list. Not much stirring as it was only around 6:45pm. But as I was leaving, I saw the band having dinner in the restaurant, bringing a huge smile to my face.
After meeting up with Brian, leaving most of my things at his desk in Harvard, we headed back to Central Square. It was around 7:30pm. Lots of people now going in and out of the place, but no line. So we started one.
Most of the people came after 8pm, and surprisingly Brian's name and not mine was on the list, meaning you really have to bring who you said you would. The doors opened at 8:30pm instead of 9pm, which was good.
We secured our place on the left part of the stage, and the opening act, The Information, didn't come out until 10pm. (Yes, it was a pretty long time to wait.)
But first out comes Keith Dakin, a DJ on FNX to introduce the show...

I really enjoyed one of The Information's songs (the one they dubbed as "for lovers," and probably would have enjoyed more, except for the fact that I couldn't understand anything they were singing. The music was so loud and their mics weren't turned up enough for, at least anyone up close to the stage, to hear. Also, Brian insisted the bass for a lot of the songs was ripped from Nirvana.

When Stellastarr* came out on stage, the crowd went wild. It was great to hear and see such enthusiasm.
Here is their set list, which I was able to take a peek at since it was taped to the speaker in front of me.
Lost In Time
No Weather
A Million Reasons
Damn This Foolish Heart
The Diver
Stay Entertained (interrupted*)
In the Walls
Sweet Troubled Soul
On My Own
Love & Longing
Born In A Fleamarket
My Coco
They were FANTASTIC! Each song was just like listening to their CD, at least for the oldie ones. They played great new material from their second CD which won't be out until September 13th. They seemed very down to earth, even on stage...but they rocked hard when they performed.

At one point, a stupid drunk guy suddenly walked on stage, in the middle of "Stay Entertained," and stopped and stared at Amanda (bassist) as she played. Then he went on to give her a hug. This was in front of everyone, and probably freaked her out so much that she had to stop playing. When that happened, the rest of the band stopped as well. Bouncers, which were a little slow on the uptake (as well as everyone else, I guess), came and literally pushed and threw the guy out the back door. Shawn (lead singer) went on to say "That guy was not drinking responsibly...I hope they take him out back and kick the sh** out of him" to which the crowd applauded and cheered in agreement. They decided to not to continue the song and went directly to "In the Walls."

Having "My Coco" as their final song was simply awesome...
An awesome, awesome show.
At the end, we were given vouchers for free hot dogs at a stand outside the venue. Can't beat free food.
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