What a nice coincidence! Not only did we just find out about Trouble the Water from Dave Alcaro, we took advantage of our being in the city this weekend and decide to catch an opening weekend showing at the IFC Center, and who do we bump into on our way in...Dave Alcaro!

(doesn't that guy on the left look like Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead? although it can't be him unless he wanted to spend a day in NYC between tour dates in Cali)
He's actually one of the producers of the film, so he's been promoting it like mad, and it was awesome being able to catch up with him.
This is one of the best films of the year - unbelievable, in your face, moving, tragic yet uplifting, inspirational. The footage is ridiculous and alarming. You're literally thrown in and get to witness the struggle of Katrina survivors from a viewpoint most people haven't gotten a chance to see, and as awful as the actual hurricane ended up being, handling the aftermath was even worse. But Kimberly Rivers Roberts, one of the main subjects, possesses a level of honesty and strength that only one could hope to have during such a catastrophe.
We were fortunate see a showing with a Q & A session after the film. From left to right: IFC host, director and producer Tia Lessin, director and producer Carl Deal, editor and co-producer Woody Richman

Trouble the Water website

Now go and see the film!!
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