As much as we like their music, the fans that go to their concerts are not the type we want to be surrounded with - the average age was probably 15 years old, with a 80/20 female/male split. Parents that were there accompanying their little kids with eyeliner and lipstick, looked miserable. We were definitely in the minority. It is interesting how the type of audience you're with can affect your overall experience. I had an extra stash of earplugs, and Brian gladly used them, not for the music, but for all the high-pitched screaming.
This show was kicking off their Tornado tour, and they said that they didn't pick a big city like NYC, but rather decided to open in Hartford, CT and the crowd went crazy (it basically sounded like he was saying Hartford was a dive). He was also big on saying "Connecticut" rather than "Hartford". Tyson's stage presence, although playful, was a bit too crass, especially since there were a LOT of young folks there - nipple-rubbing, f-bombs, etc. Good vocals and music, but the whole act got tiresome.
We caught a couple songs of one of the opening bands, Starting Line.
They have some catchy tunes, but they need some work. After going to so many concerts, it's really funny how easily you can tell which band knows how to rock a concert and those who don't. I loved how Brian and I were both wearing our Killers t-shirts from the concert the night before.
So, we will just keep enjoying their music, but we probably won't make it to another show. (That sounds sad, doesn't it?) Anyways, here is what I can remember as their setlist, in no particular order, and media
Move Along
11:11 PM
Dirty Little Secret
I'm Waiting
Straightjacket Feeling
Top of the World
Dance Inside
Night Drive
Change Your Mind
It Ends Tonight
Move Along - encore
Stab My Back
Debut Album
Happy Endings
My Paper Heart
Swing, Swing
The Last Song
They performed Straightjacket Feeling in the middle of the amphitheater - notice that freaked-out fan to the right.
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