Monday, July 02, 2007

Brian's Graduation Party - Part Deux

Sunday, July 1st 2007: at my parents' home

Buttery icing cake, palabok and yummy mangos

Newly engaged Elinore & Gerry

Tita Terry, Tito Manny & Tito Ed

Mom, Tito Les, Tito Erming, Tita Melba

Cousin Eric

Tito Erming, Tito Manny, Tito Romy, Tito Les & Tito Ed

Marge & Steve

Tita Effie & Tita Terry

Gerry, Eric, Hoong-San, Elmer, David & Elinore

Watching our Toyota commercial...

Our tree, planted 3 years ago...

Eric's gift of chocolate...Burdick's no less, and from Cambridge, MA

Dad in his Harvard apron (given by Midge) with his super yummy and juicy beer-soaked chicken, which we unfortunately could not eat due to our drive back to Bethesda

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