Saturday, June 23rd 2007: Rooney at the 9:30 Club
How lucky was this? I had originally bought tickets to see these guys at the Paradise in Allston right around Halloween (this past year), but for some reason, we didn't make it out probably due to some Halloween-related event.
Fast forward to now, I noticed that they would be on Conan the night of Friday, June 22nd, so I DVR'ed their performance. I watched the show the next day, and Conan, while introducing them, announced that they would be performing at the 9:30 club tomorrow night...which was that day! I was stoked! I bought the tickets pretty soon thereafter, and after enjoying the bbq pool party at our building, off we were to our first concert experience in DC. The place was nice and small, though definitely not as small as Axis. We opted for the balcony, where we stood front and center. Seemed like Robert Schwartzman was singing right at us for most of their performance.

Opening bands: Lemonface (could easily be called Babyface due to how young they all looked and probably are - can't be older than 16. Just looked them up - they're all 17) and The Rewinds
What a coincidence that I wore my Albert Hammond, Jr. shirt and Rooney had at one point opened for the Strokes...

"When Did Your Heart Go Missing?" and "I'm Shakin'"

"When Did Your Heart Go Missing?" and "I'm Shakin'"
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