Off we are again to hit the slopes, but this time we head to a much closer place - Ski Butternut, where we actually have season passes. It's supposed to be only an hour and fifteen minutes to the location, which is in the Berkshires, but it so happens that snow kinda made the driving time much slower.
Aaah, but it made the slopes that much better! Because of the nice fluffy snow, I had less fear of falling on my bum or knees, so it made the runs much more fun. Brian on the other hand had adjusted his stance, and right away, it wasn't working out well, so after making it back down the mountain after the first run, he headed back to the car to make some adjustments. Brian was also still recovering from an unfortunate fall he had last week at Okemo, riding goofy and just hitting the ground hard in a way he wasn't used to, so he certainly took it easy this time so as not to aggravate his bum any more.
We both learned a new way of standing, which helps tremendously but is still somewhat counterintuitive and takes a bit of getting used to - leaning forward as you go down the slope as opposed to leaning back. Just gotta hit the slopes more...hello winter 2009.

(how funny is it that their snow-making machines are on while it's snowing)
Check out my new pants - not quite so puffy and long as my other ones. Turns out I'm girls XL, not women's XS. Length, all about the length. Great thing is that they were on sale and cheaper than what my other pants cost - whoo hoo!
As we started our drive back home, hunger did creep around the corner, so we made an unusual stop at none other than McDonald's. Yes, yes, not the best, but it's been a LONG time since we've had it. Turns out it was an apres-ski place as other boarders "dined" there. One of the guys had really awesome boots - not just plain, boring black ones, but multi-colored, in a good way. Some day...
Across the street I spotted some holiday cheer:

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