The Chronicles of Narnia: The Exhibition at the Franklin Institute in Philly
Watching Prince Caspian the night before certainly enhanced our experience as the characters, places and story were fresh in our mind as we walked through the exhibit. Brian and I have been to both a Star Wars and Lord of the Rings exhibit at the Museum of Science in Boston, and unfortunately, the Franklin Institute did not have the same capacity as the Museum of Science as the exhibit seemed much smaller, and you didn't feel quite immersed in Narnia.
Good effort though.

Brian and I were in full force wearing our Millersville paraphernalia, but Sarah opted for her Delaware sweatshirt.
Que sera, sera, no photography allowed inside. But certainly the highlights were the interactive displays. My favorite one was sitting on the ice queen's throne, which was actually very cold but not actually ice, with the seat and a part of the armrests chilled from within. They also had a wall of ice on which people made hand impressions, a catapult demonstration, and holding Peter's sword and feeling its heaviness. We also went into the badger's home, where I proudly stood up straight inside as the others had to crouch.
Next stop: the heart

We head to Mace's Crossing, which was a cute place, but our server was new, and my sad chicken fingers took FOREVER. How long does it take to warm up frozen chicken in the microwave?

Later that night, we picked up Step Brothers as well as some eats, including a 20 inch hoagie.

It was delicious. Definitely hit the spot. The movie was ridiculous as expected. Much better than Talladega Nights.
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